Welcome to the IPC learning space- this is a work in process, and we have initiated this with a Level 2 Acute Food Insecurity Training. If you are not already enrolled in that course, then please check back in future for more updates. If you are enrolled, click on the link below and come on in!

This course is the AFL Level 1 training course, and counts towards IPC AFI L1 certification, which is necessary to participate in analysis workshops and  further IPC trainings.

Le certificat de formateur/animateur IPC de niveau 1 permet à une personne de soutenir les formations IPC de niveau 1 et les ateliers d'analyse du pays ;

El Certificado de Nivel 1 de Formadores/Facilitadores de la CIF permite a una persona apoyar las formaciones de nivel 1 de la CIF y los talleres de análisis de países;

Level 2 Certificate IPC Trainers/Facilitators allows an individual to lead IPC Level 1 Trainings and Country Analysis Workshops;